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Συγγραφέας:  crazy_beaver [ 19 Μάιος 2012, 11:05 ]
Θέμα δημοσίευσης:  Re: Ακρωνύμια

Ωραία δουλεία.


Βάλτε και το SWMBO

She Who Must Be Obayed

Συγγραφέας:  stameiz [ 19 Μάιος 2012, 13:11 ]
Θέμα δημοσίευσης:  Re: Ακρωνύμια

:goodpost: ευχαριστουμε :rulesn: :)

Συγγραφέας:  xristosk [ 19 Μάιος 2012, 23:52 ]
Θέμα δημοσίευσης:  Re: Ακρωνύμια


Συγγραφέας:  basil [ 20 Μάιος 2012, 14:20 ]
Θέμα δημοσίευσης:  Re: Ακρωνύμια

Μπραβο Γιαννη, thanks... :goodjobn:

Συγγραφέας:  Johanus [ 22 Μάιος 2012, 22:47 ]
Θέμα δημοσίευσης:  Re: Ακρωνύμια

Με αφορμή τα leds:

-WW Warm White LED chip, θερμοκρασία χρώματος Led, θερμό λευκό, συνήθως αναφέρεται σε 3000Κ
-CW Cold White LED chip, θερμοκρασία χρώματος Led, ψυχρό λευκό, συνήθως αναφέρεται σε 6500-10000Κ
-RB Royal Blue LED chip, θερμοκρασία χρώματος Led, μπλε, εμπορική ονομασία αρχικά της Cree συνήθως αναφέρεται σε 450-455nm στο φάσμα του ορατού.

Συγγραφέας:  antesco [ 25 Μάιος 2012, 08:37 ]
Θέμα δημοσίευσης:  Re: Ακρωνύμια

Μήπως θα έπρεπε να το μεταφέρουμε στην "ΒΙΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΗ" ?

Εκεί υπάρχει και ένα παρόμοιο post όπου τον Δεκέμβριο του 2006 λέγαμε:


antesco έγραψε:
και ένα extended version.....

AB=Aqualine Buschke, lighting manufacturer
AC=Activated carbon, chemical filtration
media /alternating current
AC II=AquaController II, all-in-one monitor & controller
acro=Acropora, a type of SPS coral
AFAIK=As far as I know
AFM=Aquarium Fish Monthly, magazine
AGA=All-Glass Aquarium, aquarium manufacturer
AL=Aqualink, aquarium bulletin board
ALK=Alkalinity, measure of buffering capacity of water
AM3K=Ampmaster 3000, a model of water pump made by Dolphin Aquarium & Pet Products, Inc.
ARS=Aquatic Reef Systems, RO/DI mail order place
ASAP=As soon as possible
ATC=Automatic temperature compensating, a feature on some refractometers
ATM=At the moment
ATS=Algae turf scrubber, reef setup technique
BOD=Biological oxygen demand/Board of Directors
BTA=Type of anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) / bubble-tipped, bulb tentacle, bulb tip
BTW=By the way
CA=Custom Aquatic, mail order place
CaCl2=Calcium chloride
CaCO3=Calcium carbonate
Ca(OH)2=Calcium hydroxide
CC=Crushed coral / Counter current, type of protein skimmer
CO2=Carbon dioxide
CPR=Creative Plastics Research, manufacturer of fresh and salthingyer products
CSL=Custom Sea Life, lighting manufacturer
CTA=Cellulose triacetate, type of RO membrane
DD=Downdraft, type of protein skimmer
DE=Double ended metal halide metal bulb
DFS=Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc., mail order place
DI=Deionization, type of water purification
DIY=Do it yourself
dKH=Degrees of carbonate hardness, measure of alkalinity
DO=Dissolve oxygen
DOC=Dissolved organic carbon
DSB=Deep sand bed
DT's=Brand of refrigerated living phytoplankton
ER=Euro-Reef, skimmer manufacturer
FAMA=Freshwater and Marine Aquarium magazine
FAQ=Frequently asked questions
FFE=Flying Fish Express, mail order place
FO=Fish only, type of marine aquarium
FOWLR=Fish Only with Live Rock
frag(s)=Broken or cut pieces of coral which will eventually grow into a new animal
fuge=Short for refugium
FWIW=For what its worth
FYI=For your information
FYM=For your misinformation
GAC=Granular activated carbon, chemical filtration media
GBR=Great Barrier Reef
GFCI/GFI=Ground fault circuit interrupter / Ground fault interrupter
GOB=Green open brain
GPH=Gallons per hour
GSP=Green star polyps
H2O= Water/ H2Ocean
HCO3=Hydrogen carbonate
HD=Home Depot
HID=High intensity discharge, type of light
HO=High output fluorescent light
HOT=Hang on top, type of skimmer
HPS=High pressure sodium, type of light NOT for reefs but the ballasts concern them
HQI=High quartz iodide, type of light
HSA=High speed aeration, type of proteins skimmer
HTH=Hope this helps
IA=Inland Aquatics, mail order company
IIRC=If I recall correctly
IM=In my
IMCO=In my considered opinion
IME=In my experience
IMEO=In my expert opinion
IMHO=In my humble/honest opinion
IMNSHO=In my not so humble/honest opinion
IMO=In my opinion
IO=Instant Ocean, brand of synthetic salt mix
IOW=In other words
IPSF=Indo-Pacific Sea Farms, mail order place
IR=Infrared, type of light of longer wavelength than visible light
IRC=Internet relay chat
ISP=Internet service provider
JME=Just my experience.
JMO=Just my opinion.
K=kelvin (mechanism for measuring spectrum of lighting, should be labeled degrees K) / Potassium
KALK=Kalkwasser, German for calcium hydroxide solution or limewater
KI=Potassium iodide
KISS=Keep it simple stupid
LED=Light emiting diode
LFS=Local fish store
LHS=Local hardware store
LMAO=Laughing my *** off
LOL=Laughing out loud
LPS=Large polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
LR=Live rock
LS=Live sand
LTA=Type of anemone (Macrodactyla doreensis) / Long tentacle anemone
MACNA=Marine Aquaria Conference of North America, held annually
MD=Marine Depot, mail order place
MEQ/L=Milli-equivalents per litre, measure of alkalinity
Mg/L=Milligrams per litre
MH=Metal halide light
MJ=Maxijet, powerhead manufacturer
MM=Miracle Mud, method of aquarium filtration
MO=Mail order
MV=Mercury vapor, type of light
NaCO3=Sodium carbonate
NaOH=Sodium hydroxide
NFW=No way
NNR=Natural nitrate reduction, reef setup technique
NO=Normal output fluorescent light
NP=No problem
NRN=No reply necessary
NSA=North Side Aquatics
NSW=Natural seawater
OBTW=Oh by the way
ORP=Oxidation reduction potential, the ability to take or give electrons
OTOH=On the other hand
PA=Premium Aquatics, mail order place
PAR=Photosynthetically active radiation, lighting quantity
PC=Power compact fluorescent light
PFO=Lighting manufacturer
pH=Measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions, equal to -log[H+]
PH=Powerhead, water pump
PITA=Pain in the @ss
PM=Precision Marine, marine filtration component manufacturer/ Private Message
pods=Non-specific types of copepods, amphipods and such
POS=Piece of doodoo
PPM=Parts per million, equivalent to mg/l (milligrams per litre)
PUR=Photosynthetically usuable radiation, lighting quantity
PVC=Poly vinyl chloride, used for piping / plumbing
RC=Reef Central, aquarium bulletin board supreme ("reefs-dot-org"), aquarium bulletin board
RK=Reef Keeping, on-line aquarium magazine
RO/DI=Reverse osmosis, followed by deionization, type of water purification
RO=Reverse osmosis, type of water purification
ROB=Red open brain
ROFL=Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO/ROTFLMAO=Rolling on the floor laughing my *** off
ROFLOL=Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
ROTFL=Rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLOL=Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
RR=Reef ready, aqaurium with pre-drilled holes and overflows/ Razorback Reef
RTN=Rapid tissue necrosis
RUGF=Reverse flow undergravel filter
Saki=Iwasaki, light manufacturer
SCWD=Switching Current Water Director, type of wave machine
SD=Southdown, type of sand
SE=Single ended, lighting designation
SG=Specific gravity
SHO=Super high output fluorescent light, equivalent to power compact fluorescent
SiO2=Silicon dioxide
SITD=Still in the dark
SO=Significant other
SPS=Small polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
SW=salthingyer / seawater
TAR=Type of magnetic ballast / substance used to embed magnetic ballast coils
TBS=Tampa Bay salthingyer, mail order company
TFC=Thin film composite, type of RO membrane
TIA=Thanks in advance
TIC=Tongue in cheek
TM=Tropic Marin, manufacturer of fresh and salthingyer products
TRT=The Reef Tank, aquarium bulletin board
TTYL=Talk to you later
TWP=Tap Water Purifier from Aquatic Pharmaceuticals
UGF=Undergravel filter
UV=Ultra violet, type of light of shorter wavelength than visible light
VHO=Very high output fluorescent light
WD ( W/D )=Wet dry, method of aquarium filtration
WPG=Watts per gallon, lighting quantity
WTH=What the hell
WYSIWYG=What you see is what you get
X10=Automation/control products - Electronics mail order place
YMMV=Your mileage may vary

Μήπως να το μεταφράζαμε και να το ενώναμε ;;;

Σορρυ Τζων-μπόϋ.... :oxtomatimou:

Συγγραφέας:  Γιάννης [ 27 Απρ 2013, 14:45 ]
Θέμα δημοσίευσης:  Re: Ακρωνύμια

Πολυ χρησιμο γιατι ποτε μου δεν καταλαβαινα καποιους οταν γραφανε και ολα μου φαινοτανε :aporia:


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